I Am Ronald The

I specialise in software development, web and system development

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I Specialize In

User centered software design and development


This process involves getting to know what the client wants, what the system should be able to do, the target users and other information within this scope


This focuses on discussing the screens that the user will interact with while using the system. Also focuses on the flow and the capacities of the various user roles on the system. Depending on the user role, some screens may not be visible to some users

Visual Design

This focuses on the visible prototype of the system to ensure that the client expectations match those in the developer's mind. It combines both the screens and the flow and i normally use Figma for prototyping


This involves actually releasing the finished parts of the system to the user to test and provide interactive feedback for continuous improvements as required

  • Clients
  • Over 20
  • Awards
  • 4
  • Hours Worked
  • 3500

My Creative Process

Implementing a software driven idea can be intimidating, i can help


Discuss the Project

Not sure what you want to build? no problem. I can help with formulating the concept and advise on the best way to leverage on software to bring the idea to life


Brainstorming and concept

Talking about the idea and exchanging bits of the concept can help bring out the best. Different people have different perspectives on the concept which is great


UI/UX Planning

The tool i use for prototyping can be used to access the product remotely allowing for optimised collaboration and flexibility



In software development, we have a saying "the customer is always right". However, i provide the client with full options, allow for testing and receiving of feedback.